Pathways Counseling Center, Inc

1919 University Avenue West, Suite 6
St Paul, Minnesota   55104

Office:   651-641-1555
Fax:   651-641-0340

Refugee / Immigrant 

Mental Health Services

    •   ARMHS

    •   Psycho-education Classes

    •   Problem Gambling Therapy

    •   Psychological Assessment

    •   Supportive Therapy

    •   Community Partnerships

    •   Classes

    v    Culturally-appropriate

    v    Empowering

    v    Resilience-based

    v    Community emphasis

Call to schedule an intake or inquire about Refugee Mental Health Services:

Pamela Oberoi
Cell:  612-616-9189

Additional Information:

Consent and Intake Forms

Refugee / Immigrant Staff / Associates

Contact Us

More than 50% of the refugees arriving in the United States present with mental health problems, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Refugees' cultural perspectives on mental health and illness are often different than ours.
Pathways understands the importance of utilizing culturally-appropriate methods when engaging with refugees, honoring cultural systems and values to foster recovery and resilience processes.

The resettlement process is difficult and stressful.
Pathways recognizes that, for refugees, almost everything is new and unknown; i.e., language, home, work, finances, social expectations. A constant feeling of not having control over one's surroundings can elicit anxiety and depression. Assisting our refugee clients in learning to navigate their new environment can lessen the potential for mental health problems.

Pathways believes that collaboration with involved family members and professionals is essential.
Our clients’ ability to retain the skills they learn will be enhanced by others’ understanding of the objectives our clients intend to reach.

Our clients' ability to integrate the knowledge and skills they learn will be enhanced by others' understanding of the objectives our clients intend to reach.  Whenever appropriate, we will collaborate with those involved in our clients' lives.
We strive to maintain relationships with Social Services, Corrections, housing, and employment sources, in an attempt to advocate for our clients in the most effective possible method.

Pathways continues to build partnerships with community service agencies that will benefit our refugee clients.
We strive to maintain relationships with social services, corrections, housing, and employment sources, in an attempt to advocate for our clients in the most effective possible method.

The varying types of mental health services available at Pathways allows our clients and referring professionals the flexibility of choice.
Services are adapted to the individual's mental health needs and preferences. Cultural acceptability and understanding is an important factor to the success of treating the mental health concerns of our refugee clients.

Pathways Counseling Center, Inc  © 2025 Net Eagles